Terre des hommes (Earth of Humanity) is a children’s aid organisation working against the injustice faced by children all over the world. Terre des hommes belives in supporting children in their own environment and social context, with respect and solidarity, and without any reference to gender, race, caste or religion.

Terre des hommes is an international federation of national terre des hommes chapters. These chapters educate and create awareness among people about the deprivations and sufferings of chidren. They also raise funds to support action and advocacy on behalf of children who have no means of defending themselves against poverty, oppression, abandonment or discrimination.

Terre des hommes Germany, is one such chapter, initiated in 1967 at Stuttgart. It sees itself as a people’s movement against injustice, especially the injustice faced by children.It believes in supporting children within their own social and cultural environment. It works in collaboration with concerned persons or authorities, with a deep sense of justice,respect and solidarity, without any reference to politics, gender, race, caste or religion.

Tdh Germany, is committed to empowering children: ensuring survival, supporting children in times of need, protecting children from exploitation, actively promoting children’s agency and participation. Within Germany it seeks to inform and educate the public about the situation of children, women and other vulnerable and oppressed groups in developing countries. In developing countries, it acts through local project partners empowering local people to find their own ways of fighting poverty, illiteracy, injustice and oppression. It is present through its project partners in around 26 countries of the world and has 5 regional offices in different parts of the world.

This site has been put up by tdh Germany – India Programme for children and for those working with children.

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The parent organization is terre des hommes Germany –